1. Simplicity
One phone call and we can have a tarp out to you within 3 hrs, no deposit, no hassles, just straight forward service.
2. Builders Trade Rates
You receive the same rates as what we charge builders, putting you on a level playing field. Our prices are the lowest because we are a specialist tarp hire company.
3. Quality Control
We guarantee that every tarp is fully checked and maintained after every hire. We are the only company that guarantees that the tarp has been fully checked – as not all hire companies have the facilities to do this. After all; what is the use of a tarp with holes.
4. Easy Payment
You are placed straight on to an account and have 30 days to pay. This makes it a bit easier on your budget whilst doing your renovation.
5. Help and Advice
You receive advice on the phone as too which size will best cover your house. This will save you money as you only pay for the size that you need.
6. Strongest Tarps
You receive Heavy Duty P.V.C tarps similar material to what is used to manufacture a Marquee. We recently had a customer who spent over $600 on Poly Tarps that only lasted one night as strong winds ripped them from their eyelets and off the roof. Don’t make the same mistake; make sure you use Heavy Duty P.V.C tarps for your roof.